The Catholic Charismatic Renewal
The CCR is a highly diverse collection of individuals, groups and activities—covenant communities, prayer groups, schools, small faith sharing groups, renewed parishes, conferences, retreats, various apostolates and ministries.
Ignited in 1967, the CCR has steadily grown to become one of the largest and most active spiritual renewal movements in the Catholic Church.

“This current of grace is for all the Church, not just for some, and no one among us is the “master” and all the others servants. No. We are all servants of this current of grace.
Share with all in the Church the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, praise the Lord ceaselessly, walk together with Christians of different Churches and Christian communities in prayer and in action for those most in need…”
– Pope Francis
Spirit Aglow
Stay connected with what’s happening in the CCR in Chennai through our monthly newsletter—Spirit Aglow.

Our ministries
We organise retreats, conventions, rallies and other programmes. We coordinate with several charismatic expressions in Chennai to help more Catholics encounter the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Learn more about our ministries like the MIN, YU4C, etc.