A Tribute to Sr. Loreto – A committed worker for the renewal in Chennai
Sr. Loreto was born on 1st June, 1927 in Ireland. In 1943, when she was 16 years old, she joined the Presentation Sisters in Britain and travelled from Liverpool to India in 1943 at the age of 17. She learnt Tamil during the thirty day voyage to India. She pursued a Teachers Training Course at Church Park School, so that she could reach out to young children and impart education to them. From the time she set her foot on the soil of India and till her last breath, Sr. Loreto gave her entire life for the service of people around her. Wherever she went, she emanated the joy and the hope of the Gospel.
A true missionary at heart, she spent 45 years ministering at many locations at Chennai as well as pioneering a mission at Bihar. She was a true champion of the Charismatic Renewal in Chennai. Along with her trusted aide Fr. K.P.Paul, Sr. Loreto reached out to the parishioners of Lourdes Shrine Perambur. Together they preached retreats and conducted outreaches and fostered prayer groups for both the adults and the youth. Sr.Loreta was involved in the Healing and the Deliverance Ministry and she actively supported the many programs and the leadership of the Renewal in Chennai.
Her heart was for the poor and she found Christ in every person who was in need. Just as Nano Nagle, The Founder of the Presentation Order, went around the streets of Cork at night with a lantern in her hand, Sr Loreto too travelled the lanes and by lanes of Perambur, with a large sun hat, braving the heat to bring light and hope to sad hopeless places, thus becoming an agent of transformation for the people of her day. Her feet had walked through every nook and corner of the streets of Perambur, seeking out the impoverished, and to render her love and compassion. Her great passion was to visit the sick, the lonely and tirelessly distribute Holy Communion to those who were home bound. She took great joy in preparing the hearts and minds of young children who were to receive their First Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Sr. Loreto relied totally on the Almighty and her deep contemplative prayer every morning at 4.30 am made her a woman of faith, confidence and courage, to dare all things for Christ. She was always cheerful and many were drawn towards her beautiful radiant smile. Her positive and encouraging demeanour brought the love and hope of Christ to all who encountered her. She was a model of faith, dedication, strength and love.
The 95 year old Sr. Loreto fell ill on the 22nd of August 2022 and was diagnosed with lung infection. She received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the sick from the hands of her dear friend fr. Paul and in the presence of her beloved sisters, she passed away peacefully into the loving hands of our Heavenly Father on 2nd September 2022.
Sr. Loreto has left behind a legacy of love, inspiration and service. Her vibrancy and commitment to the call of God inspires us and encourages us to follow her example. We pray that sister would bless and intercede for us all.
Sr. Loreto – A cheerful worker in the Kingdom