Our ministries
The CCR in Chennai has produced many gifted servants of God who are involved in a variety of ministries.
While most of these ministries have strong local presence, some of them are well known all over the country too.
The MSC is instrumental in coordinating with the various ministries operating in Chennai.
These Ministries mainly function via prayer groups, communities, cell groups, or as individual charismatic resource people too.
All our ministries in Chennai operate a number of charisms to serve and minister in the CCR.
This includes preaching, intercession, leading worship, pastoring, counseling, healing, deliverance, prophecy, etc.

Madras Intercessory Network (MIN)
The MIN has members from various prayer groups across Chennai. They gather virtually due to the pandemic via Google Meet in eight watches every day to intercede for the Church, the needs of the CCR in Chennai and other needs expressed by the National Intercessory Network (NIN). The intercessors also lend their support by organising intercession for all programmes organised by the MSC and YU4C.
If you have a prayer request, please email us.
Youth United for Christ (YU4C)
YU4C – Chennai is the Chennai chapter of the Youth United for Christ (YU4C), which is the national youth wing of the CCR in India. YU4C – Chennai works with the youth in and around Chennai.
YU4C works to renew the youth in Chennai through a personal encounter with Jesus, ongoing discipleship, the use of charisms, social action and ongoing fellowship through prayer groups and youth communities.
Schools, colleges, and parishes form the YU4C’s field of mission to organise intercession, retreats and other outreach programmes.

Spirit Aglow
Spirit Aglow is our writing ministry. It is the official newsletter of the MSC available as a free download here.
It contains information about key CCR programmes in Chennai and the rest of the country, apart from articles on relevant spiritual topics.